It is no secret that everyone would love to have perfectly white teeth.
Well, what if I told you white teeth are easily attainable?
There are several options to whiten your teeth, and
not all of them are insanely expensive!
The most expensive form of teeth whitening is professionally done by a dentist. This can be pricey, but it does guarantee results. For something a little cheaper, you can purchase bleach from your dentist to wear in a retainer/tray. This you wear for about 30 minutes and rinse right off!
Another teeth whitener option is whitening strips. These can be purchased just about anywhere and range in price. Packs usually come with 2 weeks of whitening strips. These do guarantee results, but you do need to stay consistent for optimum, long term results.
A cheaper option is activated charcoal. All you do is break open the pill to get the loose powder, mix it with water, toothpaste, or hydrogen peroxide and brush your teeth! You will need to rinse very well as the charcoal stains at first, but it comes right off with a good rinse!
If you are looking for a quick on the go remedy, rub either a strawberry or the inside of a banana peel on your teeth!
Make sure to be mindful of your teeth, if you have sensitive teeth you may want to consult your dentist before using any of these options.