Creating your path to success depends on walking on a firm foundation. Knowing WHAT you want is only the beginning. Visualizing what you want and repeating affirmations makes your intentions stronger. Yet, this is not enough. So what IS the secret to realizing your goals? Let’s walk the...
As business owners or managers we often find it difficult, even in the best of situations to get out and seek new business. You've probably thought that if you could just find a way to squeeze that into your day without spending more time away from your family or working weekends, you'd be all...
On a billboard is a picture with Christopher Reeve on it. The caption simply reads,
“Super man.”
People might have remembered him for his timeless portrayal of Superman. But they will never forget his tireless crusade on behalf of disabled everywhere. The tragic...
5 Steps To Crushing Your Goals
Like most people, you probably took inventory at the beginning of the year and made plans and goals for the year. Yet, the experts say that 30 percent of the people who make New Year's resolutions have given up by Feb. 1 and over half will concede defeat by...